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Three years ago I was elected Sheriff of Ventura County. I came into this job with a commitment to keep the people of Ventura County safe by reducing crime rates, putting prevention programs in place and partnering with the public and other law enforcement agencies to make Ventura County a great place to live, work and raise a family. We have accomplished a lot and there is still more to do.

During the past 3 years, we have all had to face the challenges of a struggling economy. Like everyone else, the Sheriff's Office had to get the job done with less resources. In spite of that, I am proud to say we have risen to the occasion. We have had much success, a few of the highlights include:

  • Reducing the number of executive staff members by 50%. Faced with cutting management or line personnel, it was the only decision.
  • Arresting serious offenders, such as hardened felons who were members of the Mexican Mafia Criminal gang. A record 17 indictments were returned on this case getting these threats to our safety out of our neighborhoods.
  • Balancing our budget all three years and, in fact, returning millions to the County.
  • Embracing leading edge technology allowing us to work smarter and more effectively.
  • Continuing to utilize and expand the number of volunteers, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

I have always loved my job and continue to do so. To do it right, it takes knowledge, high energy and a passion to serve. I have that passion and the attributes I believe are necessary to lead the fine men and women of the Sheriff's Office into the future.